Anderson Symphony Orchestra

Your generosity stirs passion for music in the children of Madison County 

The Paramount Ballroom buzzed with excitement as over 100 elementary school children and their guardians entered with wonder into the beautiful space. Although the children were certainly enamored by the grandiosity of this historic theatre right here in our community and appreciated the delicious snacks that were provided, they were most drawn to the main attraction of the event: an Instrument Petting Zoo.

Many of these students had never been given the opportunity to see certain instruments up close and had certainly not had the opportunity to see what it is like to play them. Musicians from the Anderson Symphony Orchestra were present to interact with the children. They played the instruments for the students, taught the students the role of each instrument, and showed them how to use them.

Darla Sallee, Executive Director for the Anderson Symphony Orchestra recalls that “one particular student was fascinated by the instruments, picking each up and knowing intrinsically how to play them. It was so exciting for staff, ASO musicians, and the parents of the child.” 

A Community Impact Grant from the Madison County Community Foundation provided funds that supported over 15 opportunities for the community to interact with music on a new and exciting level and over 1000 students and adults were served through these programs.

Sallee says, “The ASO is grateful for the opportunity this grant gave to elevate our story-telling in the community and on grants applications. We are able to tell excellent tales. This grant has also allowed us to get organized, to have important conversations, and to catapult our educational programming to the next level.”

The Anderson Symphony Orchestra has not only received grants through the Foundation, it also has an Agency Endowment fund and a Cash Reserves Fund at MCCF. Since establishing its endowment in 1996, ASO has received over $101,400 in annual distributions. And, the ASO Cash Reserve Fund has provided a financial safety net in leaner financial times while also growing through responsible market investment via MCCF’s advisership.

Having an endowment fund through MCCF gives nonprofit organizations peace of mind that their investment is stewarded well for maximization of earning power and frees the agency up to focus on mission-driven programming rather than spending time on fund management. Anderson Symphony Orchestra’s decision to contribute to an endowment demonstrates their commitment to continue their mission to enrich lives through beautiful music of high artistic quality and provide experiences that excite, entertain, engage, and educate our community.

When you give to the Anderson Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund, your donation supports the mission of ASO in perpetuity.

To learn more about Agency Endowments, contact Ben Davis.

Every gift, large and small, contributes to the mission of Madison County Community Foundation to increase the quality of life for the citizens of Madison County. Consider giving to the Impact Madison Fund to help us continue to meet emerging local needs. Impact Madison Grants support nonprofit programs in the areas of Arts, Culture, and History, Health and Human Services, Education, Thriving Community, and Women and Children. All donations to this fund will be tripled. Your generosity enriches the lives of children in our community and provides educational and life-changing experiences.


Duck Creek Center for the Arts