Minority Health Coalition of Madison County
Your generosity builds kindness, teamwork, and self-worth in the children of Madison County.
“I am strong! I am healthy! I am kind! I am creative! I am brave!”
A group of elementary school children shout powerful words of affirmation over their lives.
“I am ready for the challenge! I can do hard things! I am full of love! I am thankful for the day!”
With each word, the volume, energy, and conviction increases.
“I am Important! I am Enough! I am ME and that’s the best person to be!”
This group of children are led by Avrielle Johnson and her team of volunteers. Johnson is the Event Program Coordinator for the Minority Health Coalition of Madison County (MHCMC). This incredible program of impact, Positive Anderson Childhood Experiences (PACES), provides the opportunity for children to gather after school for soccer and dance and, most importantly, to learn to be kind to themselves, be kind to others, and practice teamwork and positive coping skills.
One young girl entered PACES with some behavioral struggles that often resulted in anger. Throughout the program, she was able to reframe her anxiety through positive affirmations and practical coping strategies. Johnson is grateful that these skills not only bring stability for children presently, but also prepare them for the future and for success in life.
A Community Impact Grant from the Madison County Community Foundation provided funding for supplies and extra staff to make this program possible.
Veda May Morris, Executive Director of the Minority Health Coalition, is immersed in recognizing the needs in Madison County and finding creative ways to meet them. “One thing I love about this community is being able to partner with other organizations . . . there has never been an issue on partnership . . . and I like the Madison County Community Foundation because you can be very creative with your projects.” Community Impact Grants from the Madison County Community Foundation are not highly restrictive so the Minority Health Coalition is able to respond to the current needs of the community and the population they serve.
The needs are great. Morris says that the Minority Health Coalition is actively responding to more and more needs in the community, which requires more support, more volunteers, and more staff.
Through another grant from the Madison County Community Foundation, MHCMC will host the Urban Youth Choir coming in May. Check out their facebook page and website for the latest updates and to volunteer.
Every gift, large and small, contributes to the mission of Madison County Community Foundation to increase the quality of life for the citizens of Madison County. Consider giving to the Impact Madison Fund to help us continue to meet emerging local needs. ALL DONATIONS TO THIS FUND WILL BE TRIPLED through a matching fund offered by Lilly Endowment, Inc. Your generosity truly does make a lifelong impact in the lives of children.