James Robert & Phyllis Louise John Memorial Scholarship

Loranda Cunningham and her family were surprised to learn that a fund that her great uncle opened as a legacy gift at the Madison County Community Foundation has nearly doubled in size and grown to nearly one million dollars since it was opened in 2006. The family assumed that the funds had already been distributed. What they did not realize is that when James “Bob” John and his wife, Phyllis, set up the fund, their goal was for it to make a significant impact in the lives of as many students as possible for years to come. They expressed to Madison County Community Foundation that they wanted to allow the fund to grow until it would be able to sustain itself and provide scholarship money for students whose families may struggle to send them to college.

This is the first year that the James Robert & Phyllis Louise Memorial Scholarship will be awarded.

The scholarship will pay out $25,000 to a student over the course of four years.

Bob and Phyllis were known as humble and kind. They were unable to have children but had 13 nieces and nephews they considered their own. They were always together as they socialized in the community. They enjoyed going to dinner shows, volunteering at the First United Methodist Church, and traveling. They were inherently generous and when someone had a need, they stepped in and found a way to help meet the need.

Cunningham believes that her great aunt and uncle chose to leave a legacy in this way because they wanted to make a lasting impact. They would not have wanted a child to worry about being able to get an education.

“Out of the kindness of their hearts, they wanted to make life a little better or easier for someone. There was no other motive.”

The family looks forward to watching the legacy unfold. They share in the vision for students to benefit who may not have the highest grades or financial stability. “Our goal is that this would be given to an average student who may not otherwise be eligible for a scholarship like this,” Cunningham says.

Are you a student and would like to apply for a scholarship? Click Here to start your application.

Everyone can leave a legacy and make a lasting impact. Click Here to learn about ways to give.

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