Little Red Door Cancer Agency

Your generosity provides a beacon of hope for many Madison County residents battling cancer.

“Cancer does not discriminate.”

The passionate and dedicated staff and volunteers at Little Red Door Cancer agency provide resilience and support when cancer unexpectedly hits the residents of Madison County. Since its inception in 1945, this organization has pursued its mission: to make the most of life and the least of cancer.

Mandy Pietrykowski, Director and CEO of Little Red Door, is persistent and passionate about living out the mission and impacting as many lives as possible, and the needs are endless. Pietrykowski says, “Without the support of funders, we couldn’t do the programs that we do.”

A Community Impact Grant from the Madison County Community Foundation provided funds for an ongoing project aimed to address two critical needs: transportation and nutrition.   

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Tiger Readers - Alexandria Community School Corporation

Your generosity builds confidence and inspires positive lifelong skills in children that will impact the community for years to come.  

“What do you think about bringing the Tiger Reading program back?”

This question was presented to Leigh Bivens, an English Teacher and cheer coach at Alexandria-Monroe High School in 2022. Marty Caroll, Alexandria-Monroe’s basketball coach remembered the Tiger Reader program from the 1990’s that was established by Coach Garth Cone and got the idea that he and Bivens could establish the program again together. The program had been discontinued for over 20 years due to funding.  

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James Robert & Phyllis Louise John Memorial Scholarship

Loranda Cunningham and her family were surprised to learn that a fund that her great uncle opened as a legacy gift at the Madison County Community Foundation has nearly doubled in size and grown to nearly one million dollars since it was opened in 2006. The family assumed that the funds had already been distributed. What they did not realize is that when James “Bob” John and his wife, Phyllis, set up the fund, their goal was for it to make a significant impact in the lives of as many students as possible for years to come. They expressed to Madison County Community Foundation that they wanted to allow the fund to grow until it would be able to sustain itself and provide scholarship money for students whose families may struggle to send them to college.

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